Beat the Bank Book Launch

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Beat the Bank Book Launch

First, I would like to thank all those who are new to my website and newsletter! I hope you find it beneficial!

Beat the Bank was officially launched this week. I have received great feedback from early readers, some excellent media coverage and several very favourable book reviews. You can find links to some of these reviews and media coverage HERE.

The book is available in both print and Kindle format on Amazon (see the Look Inside feature) and Indigo and you can buy it at bookstores across the country. 

Amazon has the book listed as the #1 Bestseller in its category! Wow!

If you enjoy the book and think it might benefit others, I would be very grateful if you would share your views on social media and if you might take a moment to leave a short "customer review" on or

I would love to hear your feedback.....just reply to this email.

You can Beat the Bank!!

Many thanks.


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