“Is it too late to start Simply Successful Investing?”

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First, a warm welcome to new subscribers!

Many thanks to those who have provided great Amazon book reviews, emails and comments. It is very gratifying to hear that Beat the Bank is helping real people! Here are a few quotes drawn from the Amazon reviews, presumably from readers in their fifties or older:

"I needed to read this book 20 years ago."

"I am certain we would have more money today if we had known this information when we were 30."

"I wish Larry had written this 20 years ago."

"Where was this book 30 years ago when I deposited my first pay cheque from mowing lawns?"

This begs the question "Is it too late to start Simply Successful Investing?" For the great majority of you, the answer is a resounding NO!

Sure, investors who apply Simply Successful Investing principles at a younger age stand to reap greater rewards. The very powerful wealth building power of time is definitely on their side. But those in their fifties, sixties and even those in their seventies can benefit substantially by ditching high fee mutual funds and investing smarter.

Remember, investing doesn't stop at retirement! For example, a Canadian who is retiring at 65, having started investing at age 40 and planning for a 25-year retirement is only half way through their 50-year investing journey. And, given a good sized nest egg, switching to Simply Successful Investing can make a big difference in your lifestyle.

As always, your comments are much appreciated. Just reply to this email.

Happy Halloween!


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