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Perspectives on: Women and Finances, Tax Tips, China's Silk Road

Explore what’s different—financially—for women
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Merrill Lynch Bank of America Corporation
What’s Different—Financially—for Women?
Explore new resources for women, including key questions to ask at any age and a video featuring one mom’s answer for work-life balance.
   Check it out   
Where to Invest in China Amid Current Trade Tensions
The country’s ambitious Belt & Road Initiative could provide opportunities for investors around the globe.
   Learn more   
New Report: The Real Cost of Parenting
90% of parents are surprised at how much they spend on their kids—even after they’re grown. These tips can help you manage the expenses.
   Explore here   
8 Year-End Tax Tips That Could Save You Money
With a new tax law in effect, it’s important to have a plan. Talk to your tax pro about these ideas. PLUS: Can you still deduct interest on home equity?
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