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Week of November 05, 2018
Ahead of Fed Decision, US Market Looks Set For A Breather After Rally
November 08, 2018 | Category: Daily Market Update | By: JJ Kinahan
The market seems to be consolidating amid a bit of profit-taking after the post-midterm election rally, and as eyes turn to this afternoon's Fed announcement.
SEP IRA or Profit Sharing Plan? Five Small Business Considerations
November 08, 2018 | Category: Small Business | By: Christine Russell
Want to provide a retirement plan for your employees? You have some great alternatives. Here's how to choose between a SEP IRA and a profit sharing plan.
Investing in Marijuana Stocks? Don't Let Your Money Go Up in Smoke
November 07, 2018 | Category: Stocks & Stock Sectors | By: Ben Estep
If you're considering investing in marijuana stocks, it's important to know some of the unique risks associated with the marijuana industry including scams. Read more for information on stock scams and differences between federal and state laws.
What Happens to Bonds When Interest Rates Rise?
November 06, 2018 | Category: Bonds & Fixed Income | By: Ben Estep
As investors, it's important to understand the relationship between bonds and interest rates. Find out what happens to bonds when interest rates rise.
Big Purchase on the Horizon? Think Short-Term Investment Strategies
November 05, 2018 | Category: Savings Goals | By: Dan Rosenberg
There are some important things to keep in mind when deciding how to invest for shorter term goals.
In Pursuit of Safe Investments? How About Less-Risky Investing Practices?
November 02, 2018 | Category: Investing Basics | By: Karl Montevirgen
Is there such a thing as a safe investment? No, investing is not safe, but are there prudent investing practices?


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