This week's trading insights | The Ticker Tape

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Week of January 21, 2019
As Earnings Season Rolls On, Market Seems Generally Pleased With Results
January 24, 2019 | Category: Daily Market Update | By: JJ Kinahan
Earnings reports from major companies seem to generally be providing a positive counterpoint to ongoing geopolitical anxieties.
Income Tax: A Slice for Uncle Sam
January 24, 2019 | Category: Income Tax | By: Matt Whittaker
Income tax may be something most of us take for granted. But how does it work?
Forex: Currency Trading for the Small Investor
January 22, 2019 | Category: Forex | By: Adam Hickerson
Can you trade currencies like stocks? There are some similarities between forex and equities. Here's what small investors should know before jumping into currency trading.
Emerging Risk Trends: Potential Market Drivers for 2019
January 21, 2019 | Category: Market Insights | By: Chad Rogers
Learn about several emerging macroeconomic risk areas that could impact the financial markets in 2019.
Approaching Retirement? Steer Your Tax Strategy Carefully
January 18, 2019 | Category: Tax Strategy | By: Debbie Carlson
Nearing retirement and getting ready for tax season? Here are some things to think about as the new year begins.


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