Learn hedging techniques to help your portfolio

Explore how hedging can help protect your portfolio during turbulent times.
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Fidelity Investments
Fidelity Fidelity
Introduction to hedging: Protection for volatile markets
During this webinar, representatives from Fidelity's Trading Strategy Desk will discuss how hedging can be used by traders and investors to help protect their portfolio during times of volatility. Learning about hedging strategies can provide a better understanding of how traders might minimize the impact of an adverse move. We will dive into common hedging techniques and important concepts to consider when executing an effective hedge. Topics of this webinar will include:

What is a hedge and why would a trader use it?
Appropriate use of common protective equity orders
What is Beta and why it matters?
Using Protective puts
Using Collars

Introduction to hedging: Protection for volatile markets
When: Thursday, February 14, 2019, Noon–1:00 p.m. ET
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