Improve your strategy with rotation

Learn sector rotation strategies that may fit your investment needs.
Learn sector rotation strategies that may fit your investment needs.
Fidelity Investments
Fidelity Fidelity

Sector investing: The rules rule!

Emotions can be an investor's worst enemy, causing him or her to buy at the top, sell at the bottom, and play "whack-a-mole" in between. However, extracting one's emotions from the investment process has been shown to help improve performance and reduce volatility.

"Sell in May and Go Away" is an old Wall Street axiom reminding investors that the S&P 500® has produced an average November-through-April price return that beat the average May-October performance by more than a 5:1 margin.

Taking this adage one step further, Sam Stovall, U.S. equity strategist at CFRA and author of The Seven Rules of Wall Street, found that investors would have done even better by rotating, and not retreating. Come hear Sam discuss sector rotation strategies that leverage seasonality, momentum, and correlation. 

Sector investing: The rules rule!

When:  Tuesday, May 28, 2019, Noon–1:00 p.m. ET

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