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Grebel Gallery engagement takes off
"New Fraktur" by Meg Harder combined traditional Mennonite-folk art with contemporary themes relating to colonization, gender, land use and environmental degradation. Throughout this exhibit's 5-month long run, our community has engaged with New Fraktur in challenging and exciting ways. Students from the Engligh Language Institute marveled at the art's challenging themes that uncovered difficult topics in Canadian history, while fraktur artists from Pennsylvania made the trip to Waterloo, fascinated by Harder's integration of traditional fraktur methods with contemporary art forms.

Learn more about the exhibit and its impact.


UWaterloo prioritizes responsible innovation
On October 23rd, the Waterloo Council for Responsible Innovation and Technology hosted a major Summit at the University of Waterloo! The one-day event was organized to promote responsible research and teaching that actively attends to critical social and ethical issues embedded in the research, design, and application of technology.

In a recent blog post, Director Paul Heidebrecht, a member of the Council, reflected on the diverse approaches that faculty, staff and students from disciplines across the University brought to the Summit.
Tamarack's superpower is community change

From September 30th - October  3rd, the Tamarack Learning Centre hosted their second annual Community Change Festival in Vancouver, BC. 200 changemakers from around the world gathered to celebrate community change work being done both locally and globally. Through provocative keynotes and panels, practical tool and skills sessions, and immersive city tours, changemakers equipped themselves with the resources and insight to return home and make an impact in their communities. 

Learn more about the Tamarack Institute.

Generations of refugee advocacy

This October, the Centre for Peace Advancement continued its education in refugee policy and advocacy.

Communications Assistant Kirsten Mosey shared her experiences volunteering in a refugee camp in 2016;
Michael Molloy, President of the Canadian Immigration Historical Society, gave a fascinating guest lecture on Canada's immigration policy during the 1970s-1980s; and finally, Marlene Epp, Professor of History and Peace and Conflict Studies and affiliated with the Centre for Peace Advancement, shared a reflection on World Refugee Year and how Canada's refugee policies from 1959 have impacted present-day actions.

Outer space is for everybody

The 16th Edition of the Space Security Index has launched! Curated and coordinated by Project Ploughshares and senior researcher Jessica West, the Space Security Index is the only comprehensive assessment of outer space security.

The Space Security Index celebrated its launch at the United Nations on October 28th with workshops designed to bring stakeholders from many sectors to discuss the findings of the 2019 Index.

Learn more about the Index and its impact.

Upcoming Events

Justice as a Solution to War: Facing Down Terrorists, Warlords, and Thugs
Centre for International Governance Innovation
November 11, 2019, 7:00-9:00pm

Exhibit Launch - The Cultural Life of Drones: KW Drone Dialogues
Conrad Grebel University College
November 14, 2019, 7:00pm

Employment & Engagement Opportunities

Epp Peace Incubator - Mentorship Circle
The Mentorship Circle deepens and expands the ability of the Centre for Peace Advancement to support members of the Epp Peace Incubator Program. We are accepting expressions of interest from those who have skills and insights to offer participants in the Program and who are looking to engage in Waterloo's innovation ecosystem.

Paul Heidebrecht to learn more about this exciting engagement opportunity.

Map the System

Map the System is a global competition that challenges you to think differently about environmental and social change. We are co-hosting the University of Waterloo's campus finals, with the winning team moving on to pitch at the Canadian finals in Montreal, and if successful, at the global finals in Oxford, UK.

Learn more about Map the System and how to get involved.
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Aligned values and shared commitment to incubate and advance collaborative, inter-disciplinary, multi-sector peacemaking is at the heart of our partnership with the Kindred Credit Union, and continues to inspire our work.

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