Uncertain Times

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I hope you and your family are safe. My wife Alyson and I just returned to Canada late last night. We are glad to be home and are feeling well.
Regardless, we are beginning our 14 day isolation period.

Together, we are facing a challenge unlike anything we have experienced. No one knows how severely, or for how long, the COVID-19 virus will impact:
  • human health and life
  • jobs and the economy
  • markets
We all want answers. As an investment expert, I wish I could tell you "buy because the market will fully recover in one year" or "sell because it's going down another 30% from here". But I can't. I can only tell you three things:
  • extreme volatility will be the norm for some time
  • it is almost impossible to pick market highs and lows
  • markets have always ultimately recovered
Please take all precautions. Stay healthy.

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