Is It Time To Sell?

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"Rip Van Winkle would be the ideal investor. He'd invest before his nap, and when he woke up twenty years later, he'd be happy." Richard Thaler, Economist and 2017 Nobel Prize Winner

From Beat the Bank: The Canadian Guide to Simply Successful Investing:

"Over the long-term, the stock market has consistently yielded positive returns. But we know that, from time to time, the stock market will decline significantly. Not could decline significantly. Will decline significantly—and frequently! This is an absolute certainty. But no one knows exactly when or by how much. You must accept this reality, treat stock market downturns as perfectly normal, and not react to them. With Simply Successful Investing, you are in it for the long haul. Learning to drown out the noise of the markets will enable you to achieve a far better investing outcome."

If you have the right balance of stocks and bonds to match your objectives, time frame and risk tolerance, stick with it. Pay no attention to short term market ups and downs. 

Have a great weekend!



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