The Hub: News & Events for November 5, 2018

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Central 1 News you need to know

B.C. Economic Weekly Briefing
This week's B.C. Economic Briefing covers employment and the trade deficit.

Ontario Economic Weekly Briefing
This week's Ontario Economic Briefing covers employment, exports, manufacturing, and a boost in business confidence.

Interest Rate Forecast
The Bank of Canada's (Bank) rate increase on October 24 did not surprise markets. The removal of the word 'gradual' in the announcement was interpreted by many as a hawkish sign, implying faster rate increases ahead.

Celero Interviews: Central 1's Randy Johal on How Fintech Enhances Small Business via Credit Unions… (CU Broadcast)
Randy Johal, Senior Product Manager, Central 1 stopped by the Studio Lounge to discuss how today's fintech is enhancing service to small businesses via credit unions. 
Central 1 Events

November 16-17, 2018
2018 Fall Peer Group Meeting:
Peer Group 2

Summerland, BC


Industry News

Credit Unions
WFCU Credit Union's Martin (Marty) J. Komsa Inducted into the Credit Union Executive Society (CUES) Hall of Fame (News Release)

Change one life and watch 'the ripple effects' (Winnipeg Free Press, mentions Assiniboine CU)

Global economy at stage where stimulus can be 'steadily withdrawn': Poloz (CTV)


Surprisingly Few Canadian Companies Give A Damn About Gender Equality: Report (Huffington Post)

Canada's first bitcoin-backed loan has been issued (Wealth Professional)

Financial Literacy

How to ensure girls grow up to become confident investors (The Globe and Mail)


An app for that (Enterprise magazine, mentions Alterna Savings CU)


What Canadians need to know about Tuesday's U.S. midterm elections (BNN Bloomberg)

Industry Events

November 5-6, 2018
Everlink Payment Services - Connections 2018
Hilton, Toronto

November 5-6, 2018
Hike the Hill 2018
Ottawa, ON


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