On The Radar: What is the impact of the U.S. government shutdown on the economy?

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January 2019
FAQs on the Markets and Economy
On the Radar is a biweekly publication providing quick and concise answers to the topical investment and economic questions that are on investors' minds.
New questions in this issue:
What is the impact of the U.S. government shutdown on the economy?
The government shutdown is now the longest in history and there's no sign that the standoff will be resolved anytime soon...
What does the defeat of the Brexit vote mean for the UK?
As the Brits would say, "This sure is a sticky wicket." It leaves the U.K and the European Union without any clarity on the details of the UK's planned departure from the 28-nation political block, which is scheduled for March 29...
Will the bull market continue in 2019?
Based on positive economic, earnings and valuation factors, we continue to be bullish positive on U.S. equities in 2019 — though more moderate returns are expected...
Is the labor market going to get stronger?
It sure looks that way. But the pace of growth may slow in 2019, for several reasons...
What are the credit implications of the partial federal government shutdown on municipal credit quality?
Over the near-term, it is unlikely municipal bond credit quality will materially be affected. The fundamental risk to state and local governmental issuers is the duration of the impasse, which amplifies the economic disruption the longer it persists as restricted resource flow slows the pace of fiscal expansion...
What is happening with the Fed's planned reduction in their balance sheet?
In what has been dubbed "quantitative tightening" or QT, the reversal of the Fed's quantitative easing, the Fed is allowing bonds to mature out of their portfolio and not reinvesting the proceeds...
What is City National Rochdale's investment outlook for 2019?
Although it can be difficult to remain calm in the midst of market action like we've seen over the past couple of months, our advice is to stay disciplined and invested...
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