CPA monthly newsletter




Reflections from the MCC Ottawa Student Seminar  

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Ottawa Office hosted a Student Seminar on the topic of "People on the move: Human rights and global migration." Jonathan Klassen, a Grebel student who attended, stated that "learning about the work MCC does allowed me to see that there was tangible work being done to help with these issues, both preventative, root-cause work and relief work, which was inspiring."

Read more about the Student Seminar and Jonathan's experience.

Talking about peace and justice with changemakers

Paul Heidebrecht, Director of the Centre for Peace Advancement, attended the Ashoka University Exchange to represent the Centre for Peace Advancement as a leader in the field of peacebuilding and social innovation. The Ashoka U Exchange gathers leaders in higher education from around the world to spark innovation and collaboration. Stay tuned for more details about Paul's experience  on our website.

The Grebel Gallery is for everyone  

The Grebel Gallery is open for tours! We are pleased to provide private tours for groups or individuals at no charge. The current exhibit, "Gichitwaawizi'igewin: Honouring", seeks to encourage critical conversation about Indigenous values in animals and plant life that are vilified by contemporary Western settler culture.

Visit our website for more information.

Finding conflict balance for startups
Conflict on the StartUp Team joins the Epp Peace Incubator

The Centre for Peace Advancement welcomed Conflict on the Startup Team (CoST) and its co-founders Crista Renner and Jason Dykstra to the Epp Peace Incubator this month. CoST is a new venture that reveals the elusive conflict balance to nurture creativity, disrupt thinking, and harness the full collaborative power from all roles and leaders in a startup.

CoST aims to remove the obstacles inherent to diverse values, opposing perspectives and personalities, and high-pressure environments in order to help high-potential startups succeed. CoST will offer tools to expose latent conflict markers, nurturure co-founder and leadership relationships, and promote the development of healthy conflict to create cultures of innovation and creativity.

Welcome to the Centre for Peace Advancement, CoST!

To learn more about CoST and the work that they do, check out this article on our website. 

Upcoming events

Preventing an AI Arms Race
Toronto, ON 
March 12

Join Project Ploughshares in Toronto to learn about ways to prevent an AI arms race and the need for a treaty banning autonomous weapons. This event is supported by the Campaign to End Killer Robots.

Find out more and register for this exciting event. 

Beyond Binaries: Creating an affirming church
Waterloo, ON 
April 6

Join Thea Andres, one of the participants in our Peace Innovators Scholarship and Mentoring Program, for a day of learning and conversation with Queer Christians and affirming churches to explore the next steps beyond an affirming statement. 

Learn more about this exciting and informative event. 

Citizens at the Centre: A Community Engagement Thought-Leader Series
Halifax, Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver
May 1, May 2, May 3, May 6, May 7

Join the Tamarack Institute for a  one-day workshop with Max Hardy, a leading Australian Community Engagement consultant, along with Liz Weaver and Sylvia Cheuy of the Tamarack Institute to learn core principles and innovative practices to better engage your community.

Register to be a part of this exciting learning opportunity. 

Quote of the month

 "Peace has to start with someone."
- Jonathan Klassen, reflecting on the MCC Ottawa Student Seminar

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