Self-Help Blog update: New Meds in East Durham: Welcome Russell's Pharmacy!

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Looking ahead: The Angier Business & Children's Center (ABC Center), where Russell's Pharmacy is located along with other shops and community resources, will have its Grand Opening on Saturday, March 30 from 11 - 2 PM.  

One of the best parts of working at Self-Help is getting to celebrate the successes of our borrowers, members and tenants. We Self-Helpers got a treat earlier this month when one of our tenants, Russell's Pharmacy and Shoppe, celebrated its grand opening in East Durham, NC.

Self-Help supports urban revitalization in communities around the country, with an especially deep impact in our headquarters city of Durham. Russell’s Pharmacy & Shoppe, a new independent pharmacy, is a key retail anchor of Self-Help’s Angier Business & Children’s Center (ABC Center) project, which is an $11+ million investment in a series of historic buildings totaling 45,000 square feet in the East Durham...

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Self-Help | 301 West Main Street, DurhamNC 27701 | (919) 956-4400

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