Centre for Peace Advancement March e-newsletter

MARCH 2019

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Contribute to a future free of landmines

In order to advance their work, Demine Robotics is launching a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. Demine Robotics is inviting partners and community members to join them on International Mine Awareness Day, April 4th, at 7:30pm to celebrate this exciting step toward a world free of landmines. Mark your calendars and don't forget to register!

Leading theory to action

This month, Centre for Peace Advancement Coordinator Amy Zavitz attended the Tamarack Institute led workshop Collective Impact: Leading Theory to Action. This "Train-the-Trainer" workshop explored the theory and principles of success, practical tools to use for Collective Impact initiatives, and how to lead theory to action.

Read more about what Amy learned at the Collective Impact workshop.  

Mentoring innovation 

The Centre for Peace Advancement knows that having the right mentors is a crucial element of a startup's success. Once a term, the members of our Mentorship Circle gather to provide support and guidance to our Epp Peace Incubator program participants.     

This term, we hosted a 'Curated Mentorship' event. Peace Incubator participants identified an area they needed assistance with and were matched with a mentor who has expertise in that area. The morning was filled with great conversations and innovative approaches to problem solving!

Learn more about our
Mentorship Circle members and our Epp Peace Incubator.
PeaceTech Living Learning Community
2019-2020 Peer Leaders Announced

The Centre for Peace Advancement wishes our congratulations to the Peer Leaders of Conrad Grebel University College's new PeaceTech Living Learning Community who were announced this month! The Peer Leaders for Spring term 2019 will be Neil Brubacher and Jonathan Smith, for Fall term 2019 will be Hannah Bernstein and Grace Wright, and for Winter term 2020 will be Neil Brubacher and Hannah Brubacher Kaethler.

Open to Grebel students in any academic program and in any year of their undergraduate degree, the PeaceTech Living Learning Community will explore the intersection of peacebuilding and technology—critically reflecting on the social impact of technology, and fostering the creation of "tech for good." The Peer Leaders will work to design and implement the PeaceTech Living Learning Community program, as well as cultivate relationships among the students in the community. The Peer Leaders will be joining the community of participants at the Centre for Peace Advancement and receiving mentorship from the Centre for Peace Advancement team.

Learn more about the PeaceTech Living Learning Community.

Upcoming events

Kickstarter Launch for Demine Robotics
University of Waterloo, Engineering 7 
April 4, 7:30pm
Join Demine Robotics on International Mine Awareness Day, Thursday, April 4th, and be a part of the journey of
 building robots with a humanitarian mission. Co-Founder and CEO of Demine Robotics Richard Yim will share about the company's progress and kick-off their crowdfunding and fundraising campaign.

Register here 

Beyond Binaries: Creating an affirming church
Waterloo North Mennonite Church 
April 6, 10:00am-4:00pm

Join Thea Andres, one of the participants in our Peace Innovators Scholarship and Mentoring Program, for a day of learning and conversation with Queer Christians and affirming churches to explore the next steps beyond an affirming statement. 

Register here 

New Grebel Gallery Exhibit Launch
Grebel Gallery, Conrad Grebel University College 
May 9, 7:30pm 
Join us for a reception to celebrate the upcoming Grebel Gallery exhibit "New Fraktur," an exhibit that aims to carry forward aesthetic sensibilities and fantastical elements of fraktur whil disrupting problematic narratives. At the launch, guests will hear about the exhibit from the artist, Meg Harder. 

Register here

Quote of the month

 "Collective impact work should not be about managing problems, but creating movements for change."
- Liz Weaver, Co-CEO, Tamarack Institute

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Waterloo, ON   N2L 3G6

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