Larry Bates Presents: Beat the Bank

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First, a warm welcome to all new subscribers!
Many of you have asked when I will be speaking in your town. I would love to do more speaking across the country! In the meantime, my just released webinar comes as close as possible to the real thing. Learn the surprisingly simple basics of investment success in my 40 minute on-demand webinar presented by @Questrade. Just click here.
I have had great audience response to my presentations. I think you will enjoy it and learn a few things as well! Your feedback is most welcome. Just reply to this email.

I am a fan of @Questrade. They offer both low cost online discount brokerage services and a robo-advisor. They will send you emails after you view the webinar but you can easily unsubscribe if you wish.

Once again I welcome your feedback on the webinar or other aspects of your investment journey.


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