Is there data to help predict the market?

Can options data predict market movements? Join us to find out.
Can options data predict market movements? Join us to find out.
Fidelity Investments
Fidelity Fidelity

The current status of options-oriented indicators

During this webinar, you will learn why options data is useful in helping predict broad market movements. Professional Trader Larry McMillan will discuss the current state of those indicators. He will share why put-call ratios have been powerful contrary indicators with a good track record of market prediction.

He will also discuss why volatility derivatives and indexes are useful, especially in determining extreme oversold conditions and buying opportunities, as well as in discerning the trend of the broader stock market. Lastly, he will touch on the current state of market breadth and how it relates to market prediction.

The current status of options-oriented indicators

When:  Tuesday, July 16, 2019: Noon–1 p.m. ET

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