You can learn a lot from a squirrel


You Can Learn a Lot from a Squirrel

It seems kind of silly, but squirrels can teach us a lot. Need proof? Just watch any oak tree this time of year, and you'll see a scurry of squirrels grabbing as many acorns as they can. Why? They are saving them so they can survive the winter. In short, they're saving for a brighter future.

At Oostburg State Bank, we offer a number of options that allow you to save for your future – from a Regular Savings Account to Certificates of Deposit, Premium Investment Accounts and our classic Christmas Club.

Stop watching the squirrels and start saving today!

Did you know?

The average couple spends 528 hours planning their wedding. That's more than 13 weeks of full-time work! Unfortunately, most couples spend a lot less time planning to buy a home. We want to change that.

Even if you're just thinking about buying a home, schedule a financial overview with one of our mortgage specialists. They'll review your finances, make suggestions and show you how much home you can afford.

Don't plan for just one day, plan for the rest of your life.

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